Kajal's Kitchen Wellbeing Retreat
Our wellbeing week is the perfect place to unwind and recharge you life – offering you peace and serenity.
Our philosophy is centred on transforming the lives of people who attend our retreats.
We're about providing memorable experiences, having fun, making new friends, eating healthy food, learning and discovering how wonderful life can be.
Our aim is for you to leave re-energised with a revived sense of purpose to your life.
Hi! I'm Pauli
I am passionate about the power of positive psychology and mindfulness to achieve 'happiness' and if I can help inspire just one person from my website and they are happier, then job done.
Through this site you are able to access my mindfulness exercises and free meditation recordings to help you learn the power of positive thinking; offering a range of techniques, breathing and meditation to focus on creating positive changes in your life.
I am just an ordinary man. Like many people in this world, I have experienced troubled times, tackled depression, anxiety, a failed marriage and a myriad of shit that impacts upon ones mental health and wellbeing.
The good news is that I am happy! Using positive psychology and mindfulness I have overcome significant lows and challenges. Not only in my life, but in the lives of people very close to me.
It is my mission to share my experience to help coach others to a happier and more fulfilled life. If you are reading this and are in a dark place, there is a path. There is light at the end of the tunnel. And there is a better life. I know - because it's happened to me and I was able to turn my life around.
The aim of my podcast is to help inspire you by talking to 'normal' people about the significant challenges they had to face in their lives and how they overcame them, kept positive and how their lives are today. A series speaking to 'normal' people (rather than famous people) is more relateable and more achievable.
I hope that you find Mindfully Pauli inspiring and helpful.