This ancient proverb is a telling take on humanity’s relationship with the moon. Often, we look to the sun to provide light and clarity, but it is the moon that sees us through the darkest hours.
First - I sincerely wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Whether or not you are not in a good place right now, may I be so bold to point you in the direction of the full moon tonight and consider a ritual!
Read on....
Remarkably timed for new year’s eve, it’s the last night of the full moon tonight.
As people, we go through phases, just as the moon does every month. The full moon is the moment of completion and release.
Under the Full Moon, I love to hold a celebration ritual of all that came true or all I achieved during the waxing phase of the Moon, I’ll do something that feels like it celebrates me and my work.
Tonight - I will reflect back on the whole of 2020!
The Full Moon is the time I release all that stands in my way, so releasing and burning rituals are powerful tonight.
A burning ritual can include writing down what you want to let go of in your life and then safely burning it under the Full Moon.
I also do releasing rituals around trapped emotions or limiting self-beliefs – yes – we all have them!
Simply put, the stronger your connection to the full moon, the more your heart chakra is aligned. Your heart chakra is home to kindness and forgiveness. This means that a full moon is actually the perfect time to let go of negativity. In this way, you prepare yourself for a new chapter, just as a full moon gives way to a new moon.
Given this is the last day of 2020 – a horrible year for every single one of us - here’s how you can harvest the spiritual energy of the full and new moons to help you lead a more soulful life.
1. Let go of emotional baggage
As you engage in self-reflection, you may notice patterns, behaviours or relationships that aren’t getting you any closer to the life you want. Maybe they’re even detracting from it. Use this full moon as a reminder to let them go—or at least, as an opportunity to contemplate why they’re still there.
2. Meditate Full moons are about endings, not beginnings—so I tend to advise people against beginning something new during this lunar phase. However, because full moons are about endings, they mark the perfect time to engage in a little reflection—and meditation offers an excellent way to do so. Sit with your thoughts as long as you feel like it, and remind yourself to bring some of this reflective energy to other days, as well, regardless of lunar cycle.
Those of you who already have a regular meditation practice may notice your meditations feeling deeper or more fulfilling during this full moon. And that’s, of course, wonderful, too.
3. Check your to-do list and make new resolutions Did you make a to-do list during the most recent new moon? Or just recently, at all? Try thinking back to the start of 2020 and revisit your resolutions, intentions and checklist and check in on your progress. Are you closer to accomplishing your goals than you were a few weeks, months or perhaps as far back as a year ago? If so, continue taking steps to further your progress. If not, ask yourself why. Be proactive, and devise a plan for getting there.
You may also notice some of those goals no longer resonate with you. That’s OK—that’s, in fact, much of what full moons are about. Let them go, or modify things as you see fit. Don’t cling to the person you were when you first penned this list—accept yourself as you are now.
4. Chill out for a bit Energy is abundant during any full moon, so a wonderful way to celebrate this lunar phase is to simply sit your ass down. Relax. Cleanse your space, and your body, and your mind, and kick back. Sometimes we need stillness to fully observe what’s happening around us, to notice how we feel, to discover the opportunities that’ve been lurking right under our noses. Remember, you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be—so revel in it, for a moment.
5. Don’t rush to start something new It’s likely that you’ll feel incredibly energised this full moon—and that you’ll feel tempted to start something new. Resist the urge to dive into new projects, to try new things, to make big decisions. Focus, instead, on revelling in the seeds you’ve sown so far. And give those ideas swirling around your mind some time to percolate. Waiting two more weeks for the next new moon won’t hurt anything—in fact, it’ll likely help you take your next steps more clearly and more efficiently.
6. Don’t overreact to the little stuff You may notice your emotions at absolute peak this full moon. The good news is: You’re not alone in that. The bad news is: You’re not alone in that. Your emotions are at their most intense, and so are everyone else’s—out-of-proportion flare-ups are very much on the menu. Resist the urge to snap, chastise or otherwise lash out. Breathe, instead. Stay calm, and take time to think through everything. Peace is the theme this full moon—chase it.
7. Don’t many any rash decisions As you’ve likely gathered, full moons are an energetic, emotional, spontaneous time. But that decision that’s tempting you right now might not look as good in two weeks, so slow down. Give yourself time to fully process something before committing to it. Be patient. You’ll thank yourself later.
The appearance of a full moon symbolises many things. Cosmically speaking, it’s the time of the month where energy peaks, and then releases—something that writer Ariana Palmieri calls “a cosmic sigh.”
BUT WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR YOU PERSONALLY? Simply put, the stronger your connection to the full moon, the more your heart chakra is aligned. Your heart chakra is home to kindness and forgiveness. This means that a full moon is actually the perfect time to let go of negativity. In this way, you prepare yourself for a new chapter, just as a full moon gives way to a new moon.
Perform these steps to harvest the powerful energy of a full moon.
1. BREATHE IN SILENCE Turn off your smartphone, and take 5 long breaths. Hold each for 5 seconds and try to train your focus only on than its cleansing effect.
2. LIGHT A CANDLE The spiritual act of lighting a candle is linked to enhanced intuition. Intuition can be very helpful when it comes to releasing negativity.
3. WRITE DOWN WHAT’S TROUBLING YOU To truly let go, you need to identify the things that have been weighing you down. This could be a habit you’d like to change, a bad situation, or even a person in your life. Expressing this through writing can give you more clarity than simply thinking about these things.
4. VISUALISE YOUR GOAL Picture how much better your life would be if you made a change. Let your heart swell with happiness at how good this feels.
5. SPEAK YOUR INTENTION FOR FORGIVENESS ALOUD TO THE FULL MOON Whether you’re forgiving somebody else or yourself, speak it aloud. Start with the words, “I forgive,” and feel the negativity drain away. You are releasing it into the universe—it can handle it.
If you got all the way down to this point - Happy New Year and thank you for your love and support during 2020.