Building Resilience: One Breath at a Time
Kajal's Kitchen Wellbeing Retreat
Our wellbeing week is the perfect place to unwind and recharge you life – offering you peace and serenity.
Our philosophy is centred on transforming the lives of people who attend our retreats.
We're about providing memorable experiences, having fun, making new friends, eating healthy food, learning and discovering how wonderful life can be.
Our aim is for you to leave re-energised with a revived sense of purpose to your life.
Welcome to Mindfully Pauli
I specialise in supporting your physical health, mental health and wellbeing through transformational integral yoga and pranayama (yoga breathing), breath coaching, hypnotherapy, mentoring and coaching.
You may be here because you are not happy with your body, how it feels, moves and the discomfort you feel. You may also be here because you are struggling with exhaustion and feeling burnt-out due to a myriad of issues, including stress and anxiety, anger, depression and low mood, difficult relationships, weight, fitness, addictions, poor health and wellbeing.
Step Towards A Better Body & Mind
Regardless of where you find yourself, I am here to help you navigate a pathway through the situation you find yourself. I offer a range of classes, courses, workshops and retreats that are scientifically proven to improve physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. I offer mentoring and coaching to give you direction, accountability, support and a friendly ear.
Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation
Therapeutic Yoga and Pranayama is highly effective at breaking down the physical and mental barriers your body is holding onto. Chronic stress, anxiety and poor sleep is linked to most diseases, auto immune disease, hormone imbalance and overall ill-health. Through breath and movement, my classes and courses work to calm and balance your nervous system in order to release your body and mind from the tension, resistance and toxins it is holding onto, improving also your flexibility and mobility.
Beginners Yoga4Men, Yoga Wellbeing Day Retreat, Courses. Retreats.
Breath Coaching for Stress
20,000 breaths a day and almost every single one of them wasted! Breath coaching is focused on teaching you the power of breathing and using breath to manage and control your nervous system and your response to stress. We use breath to stimulate when needed, but it's the balancing and calming techniques and tools that give immediate relief. My breath coaching course and workshop gives you the skills to master your breath - supporting your health and wellbeing for the rest of your life.
Your Mentor & Coach
Life is challenging. The relationships you have with your self, lover, partner, friends, family, your boss, co-workers and team can make you, or break you. In fact, your happiness depends upon it.
Toxic relationships in your life are like a cancer, slowly eating away at your confidence, self-esteem and self-worth.
I offer mentoring and coaching to give you direction, accountability, support and a friendly ear - whatever life is throwing at your, as your mentor and coach, I help you make sense of the issues going on in your life and help you find constructive pathways.
Stress is Slowly Killing You!
The long-term damage stress is doing to the body and mind is largely overlooked by most people. General awareness of the connection between stress and most major illnesses is also very poor.
The miracle of our body is such that we have most of the tools we need to achieve fantastic health and wellbeing. We just need to start learning the techniques, get organised, prioritise our lives and be consistent in applying them.
Get in touch with me if you'd like my help.